Friday, September 23, 2011

And so it Begins...

Figure 1: Gallopers Built by Savages of Kings Lynne in 1903.

I am Oliver John Farrell I have recently started my Masters Degree at University of Central Lancashire. I completed a BA Honours Degree in Game Design at Uclan the semester ending in June 2011 where I achieved a 1st Class grade.

So Masters has begun. We have all been encouraged to write a blog for our masters, so here it is! This blog will document my journey though a master’s degree. I will post both my research and practical work.

I want to focus on Environment art for my masters. I have been told that where you begin is not necessarily where you finish. So with this baffling fact in mind Josh has given me a starting point. Gallopers, old fairground rides as a place of interest to start researching. So let’s go...